Coaching for your mind, body & soul

Hello. I’m Kathy Larson, SELF COMPASSION COACH for WORLD SHAKING, DREAM MAKING & RISK TAKING WOMEN.  I work with courageous and creative women –  helping them  to align who they are with who they want to be by finding courage and self-compassion to live a joyful life.

My goal is to help you live a life of belonging. The last time I wondered what the hell to do next I put my office possessions in a box and, with my dream job behind me, walked out the door...I knew this change was going to be different. It had been hard to say goodbye to my college bound kids, prepare for retirement, want my own business,  and make friends because the friends I once had weren't anymore.

Yes...this change was going to be different.

I had forgotten about being creative, beyond rearranging the furniture.  I criticized myself because there was no one in a magazine or on TV that looked like me. I didn't exercise as much as I used to and I didn't  know a thing about yoga (except maybe that I couldn't do it). Bottomline: I started to feel like I didn't belong anywhere. 

Maybe you are lucky and you have never felt this way, but I needed to work to untangle the strands of my life that no longer served me. Instead of feeling left behind and left out, it was my time to  create the magical life I deserved.

With lots of help, I found my heart's desires: To change the world one mind, body and soul at a time with love and self-care. To build a community of strong and purposeful women determined to name and claim their visions for their future.  To create a sisterhood that plays, prays and stays together through all the great and not-so-great stuff yet to come.

I know you have questions. Why not give me a call? My calendar awaits! You can set a time to chat below. I would love to hear your thoughts and see if there is something we could cook up together.

Let's change our world, what do you say?

My story

  • Born in New York and lived in Colorado, Florida, California, Alaska, and Wisconsin. (And there was a year in a motorhome where we lived a lot of places, one week at a time.)

  • Hitchhiked with my boyfriend across the country instead of going to college when I was twenty.

  • Married the boyfriend- forty years ago - and we have two wonderful sons.

  • Finally got that college degree the same year my son got his.

  • Earned my coach training from both the Coaches Training Institute (CTI) and the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC)

  • Became a DARING WAY tm facilitator in 2013

  • Love coffee and chocolate and teaching yoga.

  • Live in Portland, OR with my husband, two dogs and a cat and play with my grandchildren as often as I can.

Put the gremlins out of their misery, dismiss assumptions about "can" and "cannot." Stop making interpretations fueled by painful memories, and ignore every single limiting belief. Let's begin to write your new, true, and beautiful story...together.