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New, True, and Beautiful story

Maybe this is a tool you can use. I am printing a bunch for myself because I need to PLAN! So many things to do...so little focus.  Am I alone here?

I found my calling again this weekend at the Daring Way Midwest Conference. A room full of love and energy and inspiration. Throughout this time together, I reminded myself of my true purpose: To help women live and create with self-compassion.

I am working on becoming more vulnerable and sharing my wisdom - yes, miles on the tires wisdom gathering - with a PLAN. Your will be seeing more of me....Get ready.

How about you? What's your big scary PLAN to live with PURPOSE?

You can let me know that you want a PLANNING PAGE for your office - or your refrigerator - by email and of course, you can call me to help you love yourself through your new, true, and beautiful story anytime. 
